take a look at this street! my gulay! we also had this really nasty L300 pick us up na sobrang init ever!
i thought beads were only sold in quiapo coz that's where the girls i know get their stuff to sell as accessories. we saw a store full of wooden and plastic beads.. these were hanging really high!
tabora street had lots of native decors bags, hanging ornaments, and even raw materials like a yantok and these braided abaca thingamajig.. you can find almost anything here...couldnt get good pictures of all the stuff though.. baka ma-snatch ang akin phone.. wag naman..
my latest finds:
my bratz lunch box.. only for 100 pesos. they have strawberry shortcake, spongebob, etc.. i like this too!
the rest of the stuff we got were placed in the sako-bags... comes in different sizes. this one is about 30 by 20 inches for 40 pesoses
it'll be a while before i could go to divi again... which is a good thing. at least less shopping for me!