1. Our official company Christmas party! We had a SUPERSTAR theme this year so i dressed up as tomb raider~ i didnt win this year because of queen amidala... hehe.. but it was fun.. my friends dressed up as characters fr hairspray, matrix, tears of the sun, star wars, etc. i like!
2. BNB Christmas party! my high school barkada was complete after 2 years! i like! we had it at dyan's house again this year
3. Admin department Christmas party! this was held in our Cavite warehouse with all the admin people. fun! was not the host this time.. a break i really welcomed!
4. Daddy-side Christmas party! we always have it in our house every Christmas eve...
5. Mommy-side Christmas party! this was just a simple merienda in glorieta 4 food choices. but then the great thing is, my grandparents were there from the province. nice!
6. Kidzone Christmas party! we had a party for the kids at church. too bad the giveaways were short.. we did not expect that much kids...

i hope all of you had a great Christmas with your loved ones as well. God bless!!!