For me, it's always nice to have those "spur of the moment" get togethers.. be it with my family, friends, relatives, and noel.. i always enjoy them.. last thursday, i got a text message that 2 of my cuzins were at the mall and they asked me if i wanted to meet up with them then we could all take the shuttle together going home. havnt really been out with them for a while (although we see each other every week). i think the last dinner we had together was more than a year ago? i think we were still having our cell group last time. anyways, when i got there, they told me they were waiting for another cuzin of ours.. so when my kuya and his wifey got there, they decided to treat us for dinner.. hehe.. we ate at tokyo2x then left right away coz the hubbies of my cuzins were looking for them.. they were at the mall since 1030am (easy lang???!!! hehe) it was a really quick and simple get-together but i had a fun..
ate sarah's arm, ate beck, kuya lance, net (lance's wifey) and me (with a tooth missing)
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